Moushegh Amirbekyan

Platform Architect and DevOps Expert

Profile photo

Yerevan, Armenia

(+374) 94 27-01-92

[email protected]

Devoted open source enthusiast. Sharp witted engineer loyal to "all ingenious is simple" approach.
Deep Origin, San Francisco, CA, USA — DevOps Lead
  • Architect and build a state of art cloud-native infrastructure for a Kubernetes Operator
  • Develop a robust infrastructure code
  • Design a flawless CI/CD
  • Provide automated ephemeral environments
Toptal, Linux Systems Engineer and DevOps Developer
  • Build cloud infrastructures
  • Develop infrastructure as a code in Terraform
  • Build/improve CI/CD pipelines
  • Adopt/harden Kubernetes
  • Setup observability and alerting
  • Vulnerability assessment and security audit
Ally Inc., Pasadena, CA, USA — DevOps Lead
  • Setup and support infrastructure on VMs and containers
  • Develop Terraform IaaC
  • Setup monitoring and alerting
  • Build automated CI/CD pipelines
Verve Group, New York, NY, USA — Senior DevOps Engineer
MAR 2022 - FEB 2024
  • Develop cloud-native GCP infrastrucutre IaaC in Terraform
  • Maintain the legacy infrastructure and complete migration to the new one
  • Build state of art best practices compliant automated development environments
  • Adopt and host new in-house or outsourced projects
Urbana Smart Solutions, Venice, Italy — DevOps Architect
JUL 2021 - JUL 2023
DataArt, Yerevan, Armenia — DevOps Engineer
NOV 2020 - DEC 2022
BetConstruct, Yerevan, Armenia — Head of SRE Department
SEP 2019 - DEC 2020
BetConstruct, Yerevan, Armenia — Senior Unix/Linux Systems Engineer
JAN 2016 - SEP 2019
BetConstruct, Yerevan, Armenia — Unix/Linux Systems Engineer
FEB 2014 - JAN 2016
BetConstruct, Yerevan, Armenia — NOC Engineer
JUL 2013 - FEB 2014
European Regional Educational Academy, Yerevan, Armenia — Bachelor Degree
2011 - 2013
Information Technologies
Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia —
2008 - 2011
Informatics and Applied Mathematics
Deep Origin OSDeep Origin
Platform161Verve Group
MAR 2022 - FEB 2024
Urbana IoT SuiteUrbana Smart Solutions
JUL 2021 - JUL 2023
InkaDr.Pfleger Arzneimittel
JUN 2021 - JUN 2022
MagnoscoMagnosco GmbH
JUL 2021 - OCT 2021
training.xfel.euEuropean XFEL
DEC 2020 - SEP 2021
DocDaySureCompanies Inc.
DEC 2020 - FEB 2021
allynow.comAlly Inc.
APR 2019 - JUN 2019
JUL 2013 - DEC 2020
Cloud Computing: GCP, AWS, Azure, IONOS, Aliyun, OTC, Hetzner
Linux/UNIX administration: RHEL/CentOS/Rocky Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, OpenBSD, FreeBSD
Orchestration: GKE, EKS, Vanilla Kubernetes, K3s, OpenShift, Rancher
IaaC: Terraform, Tilt
Configuration management: Ansible, Chef, Puppet
CI/CD: Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Bitbucket CI, Github Actions
Observability: Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, Tempo, Thanos, Fluentd, FluentBit, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Zabbix, Nagios
Service mesh: Linkerd, Istio, Cilium
Vulnerability assessment: OpenVAS, Trivy, Nessus
Policy management: Kyverno
Virtualization: KVM, ESXi
Containerization: Docker, containerd, LXC
Provisioning: Vagrant, Packer, Karpenter
Package Management: HELM, dep, rpm
DNS: BIND, CoreDNS, KubeDNS, Cloudflare API
Proxy: HAProxy, Squid, Envoy
Web: NGINX, Kong, OpenResty, Apache, lighttpd
Caching: Varnish, Redis, Memcached
Database: PostgreSQL, CNPG, MySQL, Clickhouse, SQLite, MongoDB, Tarantool
Messaging: Kafka, Zookeeper, VerneMQ
SMTP: Exim, Postfix, Mailu
Source version control: Git, GitHub, GitLab, gitolite, SVN
Scripting: Bash, Go, Perl
Infrastructure architecture
Penetration testing
Problem resolution
Team management
Armenian, English, Russian